

Software process antipatterns catalogue

We started this catalogue to collect and consolidate the knowledge of software project management anti-patterns, as commonly occurring solutions with known negative effects, and furthermore to facilitate their detection by analyzing data of projects. It is an on-going effort with the aim to to create a space where others can contribute and thus together we can reconcile the various sources and foster community discussion on understanding and descriptions of the individual anti-patterns. So feel free to fork this repository and send us pull requests when you have something to contribute.

Antipatterns catalogue

The catalogue proper, including the template used in anti-pattern description.


Literature and online sources used to gather the anti-patterns.


The original contents of the catalogue (as of 2019) is based on a review of academic, professional and grey literature sources to collect the currently known and defined software PM anti-patterns. It uses a description template designed to support data-driven detection of anti-pattern occurrence, e.g. using our SPADe toolset.

For easier catalog management, we provide the application in this repository, including its complete documentation.

To cite the catalogue in research literature, please use the following citation:

Brada, Premek, and Petr Picha. “Software process anti-patterns catalogue.” In EuroPLop ‘19: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. Association for Computing Machinery, July 2019, Pages 1–10. DOI: 10.1145/3361149.3361178.