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[AMB’12] Ambler, Scott W. (2012). The ““Broken Iron Triangle”” Software Development Anti-pattern [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[AMB’14] Ambler, Scott W. (2014). Common Role Anti-Patterns in Online Discussion Forums [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[AMB’14-2] Ambler, Scott W. (2014). The ““Change Prevention Proces”” Anti-Pattern [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[AYD’15] Aydinli, Dilem (2015). Software project management anti-patterns in innovation projects. University of Tampere

[AYD’16] Aydinli, Dilem and Berki, Eleni and Poranen, Timo and Stamelos, Ioannis (2016). Management anti-patterns in IT innovation projects. Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference ACM

[BRO’00] Brown, William J. and McCormick, Hays W. and Thomas, Scott W. (2000). Anti-patterns project management.

[BRO’98] Brown, William H. and Malveau, Raphael C. and McCormick, Hays W. and Mowbray, Thomas J. (1998). AntiPatterns: refactoring software, architectures, and projects in crisis.

[COP’04] Coplien, James O and Harrison, Neil B (2004). Organizational patterns of agile software development.

[CUN’10] Cunningham, Ward (2010). Management Anti Pattern Road Map [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[CUN’13] Cunningham, Ward (2013). Anti Patterns Catalog [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[ELO’13] Eloranta, Veli-Pekka and Koskimies, Kai and Mikkonen, Tommi and Vuorinen, Jyri (2013). Scrum Anti-Patterns – An Empirical Study. Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 2013 20th Asia-Pacific (Vol. 1, pp. 503-510). IEEE

[ELO’16] Eloranta, Veli-Pekka and Koskimies, Kai and Mikkonen, Tommi (2016). Exploring ScrumBut -— An empirical study of Scrum anti-patterns. Information and Software Technology, 74, 194-203. Elsevier

[HAR’16] Harvey, Kate (2016). Feature Creep: What Causes It & How To Avoid It [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[HEB’12] Hebig, Regina and Gabrysiak, Gregor and Giese, Holger (2012). Towards patterns for MDE-related processes to detect and handle changeability risks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and System Process IEEE Press

[KUR’04] Kuranuki, Yoshihito and Hiranabe, Kenji (2004). Antipractices: Antipatterns for XP practices. Agile Development Conference, 2004 IEEE

[LAP’05] Laplante, Phillip A. and Neill, Colin J. (2005). Antipatterns: Identification, Refactoring, and Management.

[LIV’08] Livejournal (2008). Antipatterns [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[MAL’06] Malik, Nick (2006). Project Management AntiPattern – PMs who write specs [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[MAL’16] Malik, Nick (2016). Project Management Antipattern 2: Pardon My Dust [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[NEI’18] Neill, Colin J. (2018). Effective Teams Management Antipatterns – how NOT to manage teams [online].\%20teams.htm. accessed november 14th, 2018

[RAP’12] Raptopoulou, Charikleia and Berki, Eleni and Poranen, Timo and Stamelos, Ioannis and Aggelis, Lefteris (2012). Management anti-patterns in finnish software industry. Proceedings of the SQM/INSPIRE 2012 Conference School of Information Sciences of the University of Tampere and the BCS

[SOU’18] (2018). AntiPatterns [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018

[SIL’15] Silva, Pedro and Moreno, Ana M and Peters, Lawrence (2015). Software Project Management: Learning from Our Mistakes. IEEE Software, 32(3), 40-43. IEEE

[STA’10] Stamelos, Ioannis (2010). Software project management anti-patterns. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(1), 52-59. Elsevier

[TAM’18] Tamburri, Damian A. and Palomba, Fabio and Serebrenik, Alexander and Zaidman, Andy (2018). Discovering Community Patterns in Open-Source: A Systematic Approach and Its Evaluation. Empirical Software Engineering, 23, 1-49. Springer

[WIK’18] Wikipedia (2018). Anti-Pattern [online]. accessed november 14th, 2018