
Home > Documentation

Before start

This documentation is for and only this application, not for catalogue as such.

Program documentation

In program documentation will be described some important functionality and proposals for the future. Build steps are included too.



There are several packages:

Package diagram: packageDiagram

Used libraries

Used libraries in project:

Licenses for all those libraries are writed in file app/research_licenses.txt.

Build steps

For building application, you need Maven.

Build for Windows

Run app/build/build.bat, which will build project and copy target jar to app folder.

Build for Linux

Run app/build/, which will build project and copy target jar to app folder.


Proposals for the future


Running application

Rich TextArea

Existence check



  1. Do push immediately after commit
  2. Automaticall fetch after some time
  3. Managing commit conflicts

Table / Table columns

User documentation

In User documentation will be described everything about input files and application functions (images included). Run steps are included too

System requirements

Run steps

Files needed before starting application in app folder:

Before you start your application first time, please run app/ignore_gitproperties.bat to disable file from updating to git.

Run on Windows

Run app/run.bat

Run on Linux

Run app/


Configuration file config.xml must be presented in the same directory as application. It contains Anti-pattern form fields specification:

If specific field is type table, it also contains specification for table columns:

Git properties

Git properties file must be presented in the same directory as application. It contains git parameters for login into git repository.

There are 3 parameters:

Important info - please execute ignore_gitproperties.bat file, so that will not be updated in git.

How to generate PAT (Personal access token)

  1. Go to your profile settings
  2. Go to “Developer settings”
  3. Click on “Personal access tokens”
  4. Generate new token
  5. Authorize
  6. Write something in note
  7. In select scopes, select: repo, user
  8. Click on “Generate token”
  9. Copy generated token and save it to file. Make sure you saved it immediately, because token will be hidden for the rest of your life and cannot be shown in future.

Application windows

Main window

Main window mostly displays list of all anti-patterns and their preview. There is also a search field and choice box (show all anti-patterns, created or mentioned).

To create a new anti-pattern, just click on button with ‘+’ next to search field. It will open new window (viz header New / Edit anti-pattern window).

To update existing anti-pattern, just double-click on specific anti-pattern. If selected anti-pattern have format different from template, then it will open window with raw editing (viz header New / Edit anti-pattern window). If anti-pattern have format same as template, then it will open editing window (viz header New / Edit anti-pattern window).

Main window also contains 2 sub-menus:


New / Edit anti-pattern window

This window is used for creating new anti-pattern or editing existing anti-pattern. It contains form with specific fields. Field is not required if header name contains suffix (Optional).

There are currently 4 types of fields in form:



Raw anti-pattern editing window

This window contains 3 important elements:

To successfully edit selected anti-pattern, it must contains all fields from template and they must be in specific order.


Add bibtex reference window

This window contains only one textarea, where user needs to insert new reference in bibtex format. After user inserts new reference and click on Add button, it will add this reference to bibtex references file and generate new markdown references file.


Git manage window

Git manage window is used for commiting anti-pattern changes to specified git repository and branch. You can also pull new changes.

If personal access token from file is invalid, it will open login window to insert a valid personal access token.

Window contains list of changes and preview window, same as in github desktop application.
