
Home > Catalogue > Antipattern Name

The Antipattern Name

Also Known As

Other names of this pattern, separated by comma, or “n/a”.


A short summary of the anti-pattern


The methodology the anti-pattern is applicable to, plus specific situational context description. Use “any” in case the anti-pattern is methodology agnostic.

Unbalanced Forces

The (conflicting) considerations and constraints that the solution needs to resolve within the context.

Symptoms and Consequences

Identifiable phenomena signifying the presence of the anti-pattern, describing the negative effects of the chosen (bad) solution on the project.

Note: Ideally, the symptoms and consequences are expressed as close to the terms used in ALM tools as possible


The underlying issues that lead to the anti-pattern, explaining the “why” for the preceding two sections.

(Refactored) Solution

The solution, resolving the forces within the context, which does not have detrimental effects.

Variations (optional)

The exceptions and special cases of the anti-pattern. Remove section if not used.

Example(s) (optional)

How the anti-pattern has occurred in real world, may include diagrams and illustrations. Remove section if not used.

Anti-pattern Relation
related AP with link (if already in catalogue) one per row (if none, replace table with “n/a”, leave section heading) relation description

Notes (optional)

Any (meta-level) remarks and information relevant to the anti-pattern or its description, which do not belong to the previous sections (e.g., how descriptions in different have been consolidated or what project data is available for detection). Remove section if not used.


Shortcuts for references in (with link for each to that file) and/or the word “experience” separated by comma; e.g. [LAP’05]. If the pattern comes from experience, details like projects and organizations where it has been observed should be provided to facilitate verification.